SOLD $24,000 usd - 03. Commercial, Restaurant / Bar
This green and cosy little restaurant is nestled in the heart of the ever-popular Sok San Rd and is mere minutes away from The Night Market, Old Market and of-course Pub Street.
With a 2 bedroom apartment, including kitchen/diner & balcony, a bakery area, a huge roof terrace and the kitchen and beautifully designed 34-seat restaurant, this property delivers a lot for your money.
The restaurant itself, established in 2014 has experienced consistent success, recieveing excellent reviews from patrons and acheieving a healthy balance sheet.
All of the beautiful funitrue, fixtures, fitting, plants you can see as well as the kitchen equipment is included in the business sale.
A 3 to 5 year lease is available at $1000 per month. A security deposit of 1 months rent per year of lease required.